Years active | 2019- |
Genres | |
Given is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Kizu. It has been serialized in the bimonthly manga magazine Chéri+ since 2013 and has been collected into nine tankōbon volumes by Shinshokan. The series follows a group of four students in an amateur rock band and the dual romantic relationships that form among them: between electric guitarist Ritsuka Uenoyama and vocalist Mafuyu Satō, and between bassist Haruki Nakayama and drummer Akihiko Kaji. – Wikipedia |
Official Site |
Spotify |
Twitter (@given_anime) |
Wikipedia (Japanese) |
Wikipedia (English) |
Centi Milli Mental |
Yoh Kamiyama |
Burnout Syndromes |
Hanae |
Goose house |
Dean Fujioka |
Luck Life |
Tia |
majiko |
TK from Ling tosite Sigure |
1 | Mitski | ||
+269,360 (9,581,191) |
2 | Mrs. Green Apple | ||
+140,073 (4,690,854) |
3 | Creepy Nuts | ||
+103,916 (1,581,641) |
4 | back number | ||
+102,362 (5,121,478) |
5 | Kenshi Yonezu | ||
+82,867 (6,441,876) |
6 | Official HIGE DANdism | ||
+64,365 (6,868,507) |
7 | Radwimps | ||
+51,654 (4,292,632) |
8 | Hatsune Miku | ||
+48,303 (1,892,756) |
9 | Aimyon | ||
+45,739 (5,539,305) |
10 | One Ok Rock | ||
+45,704 (5,536,469) |