Genres | |
Pokémon is a Japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokémon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers. The franchise's target audience is children aged 5 to 12, but it is known to attract people of all ages. – Wikipedia |
Official Site |
Spotify |
Official YouTube Channel |
Twitter (@Pokemon_cojp) |
Twitter (@poke_times) |
Instagram (@pokemon_jpn) |
Wikipedia (Japanese) |
Wikipedia (English) |
Sega Sound Team |
Flow |
Kaoru Wada |
Yuki Kajiura |
Hironobu Kageyama |
Nobuo Uematsu |
Rica Matsumoto |
D-51 |
supercell |
1 | Radwimps | ||
+52,115 (4,294,402) |
2 | Hikaru Utada | ||
+43,202 (3,722,104) |
3 | Hey! Say! JUMP | ||
+39,094 (167,300) |
4 | Spitz | ||
+30,940 (2,474,800) |
5 | Mr.Children | ||
+25,507 (3,481,388) |
6 | Arashi | ||
+22,335 (2,554,969) |
7 | Ringo Sheena | ||
+22,234 (1,843,103) |
8 | Nujabes | ||
+21,746 (1,270,003) |
9 | B'z | ||
+19,705 (975,564) |
10 | Lamp | ||
+19,219 (1,293,462) |